Perhaps someone can assist me with the following query. I have a situation where I need to use more than one sans serif fonts (especially within complicated chapter heads). I currently have the following: \definefontfamily [mainface] [rm] [alegreya] \definefontfamily [mainface] [ss] [dax][tf=file:dax-regular] \definefontfamily [mainface] [mm] [alegreya] \setupbodyfont[mainface] \setupbodyfont[11pt] But what if I need to have, in addition to the Dax sans serif typeface, an additional sans serif typeface such as ITCAvantGarde? How do I declare that? Do I just give it another name, e.g. \definefontfamily[chapter][itcavantgarde] etc? If I did that, how then do I refer to it? Obviously not just as {\ss my text} since that would call in the dax font. Julian