(Happy New Year 2003!) What are my options when I want to spell check my ConTeXt file? I only need American English (or "technical English" or "computer English") and the main idea is to check that I really use the American spelling for all words. I'm mainly using WindowsNT+GNUEmacs (from the TeXLive CD)+TeXLive 7, I also have access to the combination WinNT+WinEdt+TeXLive, but I prefer Emacs. I cannot be creative when writing scripts (=no programming skills), but I can follow a pattern for example when adding things to my .emacs file. And I will be installing all the systems with the English spell checker, so easy installation is not necessary as long as the instructions actually work. If there are free or cheap programs that spellcheck postscript or pdf files, that would work as well - i.e. I just need to check my file at *some* stage of the project, before it is finalized and copied. Regards, Mari Voipio