Am 15.02.2012 um 16:06 schrieb Martin:
Sorry to pick up an old topic (http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20101221.082006.4dc83f26.en.html), but I seem to have the same problem with m-database at mentioned in this old thread.
I am trying to "freely" use the data fields in a layout other than (natural) Tables.
An update of context (15.2.2012) doesn't help.
The example from the CSV MyWay fails as well as the simplified example below with following error:
\doprocessdatabase ...ameter \c!command \!!es , }} l.14 \stopAddressen
Modifying m-database.lua as suggested in the old thread seems to have no effect on the error... Though I suspect the file has been changed since anyhow.
Thanks for any input, Martin
Code used:
\unexpanded\def\SendMe#1#2{#1\crlf#2} Wolfgang