On 2014-04-04 17:22, Rik Kabel wrote:
On 2014-04-04 17:17, Rik Kabel wrote:
The following example fails to compile, complaining “Missing { inserted.”

It compiles cleanly  if one or more of the three marked lines are removed.

This is the case with TL2013 and with recent standalone beta versions. I do not know if it ever worked.

\setuplayout   [grid=yes]%                            line one
                 topoffset=.25em,bottomoffset=.25em,% line two
                 location=paragraph,%                 line three
  prisca iuvent alios ego me nunc denique natum gratulor: haec
  aetas moribus apta meis.

Sorry for the noise. It needs alternative= instead of location= in the textbackground definition.

Where can we find the command description?
Perhaps I retracted too quickly. The background is not placed with alternative=paragraph. It looks like all I did using that was to remove one of the three problem lines.

To be clear, this is an issue with MKIV.
