10 Apr
10 Apr
11:49 a.m.
Dear list, I have the following sample: \starttext \startluacode function document.print_the_thing(str) context(str) end \stopluacode \unexpanded\def\PrintTheThing#1{% \ctxlua{document.print_the_thing([[\luaescapestring{#1}]])}} \PrintTheThing{a \em b {c}} \stoptext I wonder whether there is a proper way in the Lua code to avoid [[\luaescapestring{}]] in \ctxlua. BTW, [[\luaescapestring{}]] in \ctxlua works better for me, since in my real world document, I’m using str:match() to check whether the string ends with interrogation or exclamation marks ("%?!$"). Many thanks for your help, Pablo