Hi all, I have problem with bookmark when I use Vietnamese UTF-8 input encoding. By using \placebookmarks[chapter,section] I got a bookmark with TeX codes in chapter and section names instead of UTF-8 string like in document. (see the shot http://people.vnoss.org/~vnpenguin/pub/bookmark.png). In LaTeX, IIRC, there is a command \texorpdfstring{st1}{st2} of hyperref package which allows me to use st1 for the content and st2 (without accented characters) for bookmarks. Yes, I see the using a non-accented string for vietnamese has no sense, but this is a "workaround" for us for this moment :) Any solution for this problem ? Thank you in advance, Q. NGUYEN-DAI PS: I have done research around mailing archive but unfortunately I not found the solution yet.