Hi, all, I'm a long time lurker (on gmane), first time poster. First, thank you all, very much, for your excellent work and superb community. ConTeXt has become a critical part of my academic writing and integral to my research. I'm not exaggerating when I say it changed how I thought about texts and became a major source for my dissertation work. Thank you! I'm trying to get a typescript for setting a text in Libertine with Junicode fallbacks for characters in MUFI, in the private use area. For some reason Libertine roman will not fallback no matter what I do. However Libertine italic will. I can also work around it by using Junicode as a base and forcing fallback to Libertine. My question is: why? What's wrong with Libertine roman? Or my approach? My hypothesis is that there's something about `LinLibertine_R.otf` that's not quite right. I looked in FontForge, but couldn't spot anything. Does anyone have a suggestion as to another place to look? Or something I'm overlooking? Minimal example (attached too, if it comes through): ``` \definefontfeature[default][default][script=latn] % Libertine with a Junicode fallback, lib-fb-jun \definefontfallback[junicodefallback][name:Junicode][privateusearea][check=yes,force=no] \starttypescript [serif] [lib-fb-jun] \definefontsynonym [Libertine-Roman] [file:linlibertiner] \definefontsynonym [Libertine-Slanted] [file:linlibertineri] % works fine \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif] [lib-fb-jun] [name] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Libertine-Roman] [features=default,fallbacks=junicodefallback] \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [Libertine-Slanted] [features=default,fallbacks=junicodefallback] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [lib-fb-jun] \definetypeface [lib-fb-jun] [rm] [serif] [lib-fb-jun] [default] \stoptypescript % Junicode with Libertine as a fallback, preferring Libertine, jun-pr-lib % this hack does what I want the above to do \definefontfallback[preferlibertine][name:linlibertineo][0-FFFFF][check=yes,force=yes] \starttypescript[serif] [jun-pr-lib] \definefontsynonym [JunicodeRoman] [name:Junicode] \stoptypescript \starttypescript[serif] [jun-pr-lib] [name] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [JunicodeRoman] [fallbacks=preferlibertine] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [jun-pr-lib] \definetypeface [jun-pr-lib] [rm] [serif] [jun-pr-lib] [default] \stoptypescript % some tracking stuff \enabletrackers[fonts.missing=replace] \enabledirectives[logs.errors] % text, we use lib-fb-jun first, then jun-pr-lib \starttext \setupbodyfont[lib-fb-jun] {\em emph. lib-fb-jun: \Uchar61125 \char64259 \utfchar{"eec5} (three glyphs)} lib-fb-jun: \Uchar61125 \char64259 \utfchar{"eec5} (three glyphs) % <- fallback fails here \switchtobodyfont[jun-pr-lib] jun-pr-lib: \Uchar61125 \char64259 \utfchar{"eec5} (three glyphs) % <- works \stoptext ``` Any ideas? Most warmly, -jp -- J. P. Ascher Preceding: https://doi.org/10.18130/jqpe-zc65 Current: http://www.bibsoc.org.uk/content/2020-2021-0