Hi Taco,
1. \inmarge figures can't be handled. Instead they appear in the text. This is an example from the log file: ! Undefined control sequence. l.35 \inmarge {\externalfigure[8pyruvate_lab]}
The command is called \inmargin (at least in the english interface).
I was following the manual ("Context - an excursion") where \inmarge is used with marginal figures. I thought that was the command to use, and it works on my computer here. I am using \inmargin with text; does what you are saying mean the two commands do the same?
2. The references don't work ("??"). Again, an example: references : unknown reference [][krebsbox]
Are you sure that texutil is started by the texexec run as it should?
No. How do I find out? And if it's not working, what should I do? (I have to admit that I don't really understand the programme - I simply translated into actions those few commands I could make sense of in the texexec manual, such as make ...).
(and what type of reference are you talking about anyway?)
References in the text to Figures and Tables (\in{Figure}[RefName]) This also works on my computer here. Thank you for your help, Jörg. PD Dr.med. Jörg Hagmann-Zanolari Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics DKBW, University of Basel Mattenstrasse 28 CH-4058 Basel Switzerland