Hello Hans and developers, I have been trying to convert some two- and three-step macros (as shown below) to single-step macros using the LMTX syntax given in the low-level macros manual. I have succeeded in many cases, but failed when the macro follows one particular group of patterns. The group of patterns is similar to this macro to process \MyMacro[optional]{Required}{Required}{Optional} In this the number of arguments can be 2, 3, or 4. A three-step solution might be as follows, which I use for a list of persons: \defineregister[Bindex] \setupregister [Bindex][n=1, balance=no, method=default, % or New follows Newton! compress=no, % yes if not note number+q expansion=yes, pagecommand=\gobbleoneargument ] \starttexdefinition unexpanded Bi \dosingleempty\doBindex \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition unexpanded doBindex [#SORTAS]#INDEXED \def\SortAs{#SORTAS}% \def\Indexed{#INDEXED}% \dodoublegroupempty\doBindexFull \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition doBindexFull #BD#MORE \doifemptyelse{#MORE} {\Bindex[\SortAs]{\Indexed\ #BD}} {\Bindex[\SortAs]{\Indexed\ #BD\\ #MORE}} \stoptexdefinition with input like: \Bi{Rumble, Walker}{1938|–|}% \Bi{Runia, David Theunis}{1951|–|}{Classicist}% \Bi{Rutherford, Ernest (Baron Rutherford of Nelson)}{1871|–|1937}{Physicist}% \Bi{Saenger, Paul}{1945|–|}% \Bi{Saldarini, Anthony J.}{1941|–|2001}% \Bi{Salter, William M.}{1853|–|1931}% \Bi[Saint-Exupery]{de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine}{1900|–|1944}% \Bi{Santayana, George}{1863|–|1952}% \Bi{Sapir, Edward}{1884|–|1939}{Linguist}% \Bi[Schrodinger]{Schrödinger, Erwin}{1887|–|1961}{Physicist}% \Bi[Spinoza]{de Spinoza, Baruch (Benedict de Spinoza, Bento de Espinosa)}{1632|–|1677}% The best I can get with the newer syntax is a two-step: \starttexdefinition unexpanded Bi \dosingleempty\doBindex \stoptexdefinition \tolerant\def\doBindex [#1]#=#=#=% {\doifemptyelse{#4} {\Bindex[#1]{#2\ #3}}% {\Bindex[#1]{#2\ #3\\ #4}}% } In the low-level macros manual, near the end of chapter 2, it says that some day there may be a use for #?, #!, #<, or #>. If I am not missing something in the manual about how to provide that first optional argument as an empty value, I think I have one. Could [#?] always return a value (perhaps empty)? That would allow something like: \tolerant\def\doBindex [#?]#=#=#=% {\doifemptyelse{#4} {\Bindex[#1]{#2\ #3}}% {\Bindex[#1]{#2\ #3\\ #4}}% } -- Rik