Dnia Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 12:12:40PM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster napisał(a):
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Marcin Borkowski
wrote: Hi,
one more problem with pagebreaks: I'd like to prohibit a pagebreak before a \startformula ... \stopformula. What do I do?
\defineblankmethod [nobreak] {\nobreak}
Not sure if this did work, try it or send a test file.
Wow, it does! However, it also tries to squeeze too much stuff (vertically) to avoid the break. I guess that this is one of these things one has to tweak manually anyway. What would probably help (since I have lots of \items and lots of math - it's a number of problem sets in analysis;) - btw, available at http://mbork.pl/?action=browse;id=Mathematical_Analysis_for_Computer_Science...) would be an automatic \page[bigpreference] before each \item. Is that possible?
Greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl) Jest tak. Friedman ma weksel Schapira z żyrem Glasa i windykator jest Balenstein. On daje dwadzieścia pięć procent franko loko, towar jest u Lutmana, tylko ten towar jest zajęty przez Honigmana z powodu weksel Roitberga. Za ten weksel Roitberga można dostać gwarancję od jego teścia Rozenzweiga, tylko on jest przepisany na Rozenzweigową, a Rozenzweigowa jest chora. (Kabaret Dudek)