Dear gang, I am porting a huge project from mkii to mkiv and am running into structure problems. I now realize that \start-stopproject no longer compiles the entire project, just stick to products and components. I am also dividing what was one long book into two books, and I'd like to compile both books at once to keep cross-references between the two books operative: I've turned the project into a product, the products into components, and components into inputs. Obviously I'm running into problems ;-) : First:One thing that is unclear now is how the \environment is inherited. Attached is a basic test set. If I compile the product file islamwalayah.tex, I get the expected output it appears. If I compile the component file islamcosmology.tex, the alias \Islam gives an undefined control sequence. That is, it does not inherit env-aliases.tex. If I comment % \Islam the component file compiles, but the layout is not inherited from env-islamwalayah.tex. How do I fix this? Any related general advice? Files listed inline below, attached as well for testing, and Best wishes Idris ==========islamwalayah.tex============ \environment env-islamwalayah \environment env-aliases \startproduct islamwalayah \component islamcosmology % Book One % \component islamspirituality % Book Two \stopproduct ================================== =======env-islamwalayah.tex======= \startenvironment env-islamwalayah \setuplayout[width=7in] \stopenvironment ================================== =========env-aliases.tex========== \startenvironment env-aliases \def \Islam{Islām} \stopenvironment ================================== =======islamcosmology.tex========= \startcomponent islamcosmology \product islamwalayah % below is actually \input title-cw \starttext \Islam \input tufte \stoptext \stopcomponent ================================== -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shīʿī Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523