18 Sep
18 Sep
9:44 a.m.
Am 18.09.2011 um 00:17 schrieb Philipp Gesang:
Hi all,
some of the possibilities concerning float placement that are listed on the wiki[1] cause mkiv to fail with an “undefined control sequence”. E.g.
\starttext \placefigure[left][]{A Dutch Cow}{\externalfigure[cow]} \stoptext
The same goes for “right”, “innermargin” “outeredge”. Others like “top” and “here” seem to work. Mkii is not affected, though. Bug?
syst-aux.mkiv \def\do_quit_prev_comma_list#1]% - {\let\do_process_comma_item\do_quit_commalist} + {\let\do_process_comma_item\do_quit_comma_list} Wolfgang