On Sat, 23 Nov 2019, Fabrice L wrote:
Dear Aditya.
Le 22 nov. 2019 à 17:49, Aditya Mahajan
a écrit : I’m teaching with R this term, and I tried (without success) the R-module (I think the path of R is not found). Having no time to test and find out the problem, I have tried with success knitr (with is Rmarkdown code converted to latex-beamer). But I’m missing Context… My understanding is that the R-module is working only with mk-ii. Is there people in this list using successfully the r-module with mk-iv ?
Have you tried the filter module: https://github.com/adityam/filter/blob/master/README.md
For setup with R, see: https://github.com/adityam/filter/wiki/R
Thanks for your answer. I did not know about the filter module. I had a look; the module is powerful… but complex to install.
Why do you say so? If you are using context-minimals, then this can be installed like any other module. If you are using texlive, then can be installed using tlmgr.
It is not clear for me: this module would permits to submit code to R, optionally shows this code in the conTeXt document, and includes the output of R ?
Yes, to all three.
So is it a modern replacement of the r-module ?
You can think of it that way. It works for all programming languages, and not just R. Aditya