On 9/29/06, Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
This test file (beta 2006.09.28):
============ 1.tex ============================ \starttext \startMPenvironment \def\2#1#2{\vbox{\halign{\hfil##\hfil\cr #1\cr #2\cr}}} \stopMPenvironment
A lesson that I learned while trying to implement a few functions for gnuplot: never try to do tricky stuff like definitions inside MPenvironement, because it is parsed and changed slightly. I would also prefer if definitions and other commands inside MPenvironement would work as they were supposed to, but exactly this was one reason more why I like \sometxt so much now. You can create a definition anywhere in your TeX document and then use it inside \sometxt: \def\a{abc} \starttext \startMPcode label(\sometxt{\a},origin); \stopMPcode \stoptext Would that kind of approach satisfy your needs? (that being just another point of view from what Hans pointed out; Hans's approach might also be useful; although I admit that I will soon start mixing up all the different MP commands: MPinclusions, MPextensions, preambles, environment ... ) Mojca PS: that should go into another thread and is not that urgent since I found an ugly workaround, but anyway: is there a chance to access dimensions such as PageWidth, OverlayWidth ... and others inside MPextensions/inclusions? OverlayWidth is defined just behind the extensions/inclusions, which basically means that I can use it inside a graphic, but not inside macros defined in MPextensions. Any remedy for that?