Dear list,

I’m experimenting LuaMetaFun. The following MWE example works as expected, but stop to work as soon as I uncomment the « doublefun » commands, like :

\startMPinclusions{doublefun} (… )

% MWE ——————————

vardef Macrotest(expr ANumber) =
draw textext(decimal(ANumber)) scaled 10;
enddef ;


Macrotest(22)  ;
  path p; p := (0,0)..(3,3.5)..(9,-3.5).. (12,0)..(9,3.5)..(3,-3.5)..cycle;
  draw lmt_followtext [
     text = "\dorecurse{9}{· Justssss random text }",
     path = p xsized TextWidth,
     autoscaleup = "max",
  ] xsized 5in;

% ———————————

Log says:

metafun         > log > error: Isolated expression
metafun         > log >
metapost        > log > 
metapost        > log > <to be read again> 
metapost        > log >                    (
metapost        > log > <*>  Macrotest(
metafun         > log >
metafun         > log > I couldn't find an '=' or ':=' after the expression that is shown above this

I have search the making list for examples, but did not not found anything. 
Thanks for any help !
