I've got a very short question, but coupled to a very long explanation, my question is: when referencing a component file from within a product file (and given that the component file is stored in the same directory as the product file, which is in a sub-directory below my project file) must I include the relative path of the component file from my project directory, through my sub-directories to my component file, or can I just refer to the component's filename. Now here is the actual example. I've done a little bit of ASCII artwork below showing the directory structure that I'm following. My artwork isn't the best, so I've also include some explanation. Project | ---- EnviromentPageLayout.tex (global environment file) | ---- Project.tex (project file) | |----| | FrontMatter (directory) | | | ---- EnvironmentFrontMatter.tex (local environment file) | | | ---- ProductFrontMatter.tex (product file) | | | ---- TitlePage.tex (component file) | | | ---- Contents.tex (component file) | | | ---- Preface (component file) | |----| | BodyMatter (directory) | | | ---- EnvironmentBodyMatter.tex (local environment file) | | | ---- ProductBodyMatter.tex (product file) | | | ---- Chapter01.tex (component file) | | | ---- Chapter02.tex (component file) | | |----| BackMatter (directory) | ---- EnvironmentBackMatter.tex (local environment file) | ---- ProductBackMatter.tex (product file) | ---- Appendix01.tex (component file) | ---- Index.tex (component file) In my Project directory I have two files: 1) EnvironmentPageLayout.tex If you are interested in an environment, the one I've based mine on is the one posted by David Arnold http://ml-archives.mini.pw.edu.pl/ntg-context/msg02853.html 2) Project.tex ---- %project file \startproject Project \environment EnvironmentPageLayout \product FrontMatter/ProductFrontMatter \product BodyMatter/ProductBodyMatter \product BackMatter/ProductBackMatter \stopproject ---