Am 03.10.2013 um 10:21 schrieb H. van der Meer
I have some difficulties with columns inside a framedtext. The example below shows that columns does not work inside framedtext, whereas simplecolumns does. However, the latter does not show rules between the columns. Can I have both?
Is columns definitely not working here or is it temporarily until something is fixed? Or will simplecolumns be extended to show the rules?
% test columns within framedtext \starttext \startframedtext[width=\makeupwidth] \startcolumns[n=2,rule=on,balance=yes] \input tufte \stopcolumns \stopframedtext \startframedtext[width=\makeupwidth] \blank \startsimplecolumns[n=2,rule=on,balance=yes] \input tufte \stopsimplecolumns \stopframedtext \stoptext
The new mixedcolumns environment can be used to the typeset columns in a frame. There is also a predefined bolxedcolumns environment which changes the width of the columns when you use it in \startframed etc. \setupalign[verytolerant] \starttext \startboxedcolumns[separator=rule] \input tufte \stopboxedcolumns \startframedtext[width=max,align=verytolerant] \startboxedcolumns[separator=rule] \input tufte \stopboxedcolumns \stopframedtext \stoptext Wolfgang