Am 2014-08-26 um 21:10 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster
Am 26.08.2014 um 17:07 schrieb john Culleton
: Context is moving toward accepting XML input, although the filtering process is necessarily complex. But what is also needed is a version of Context that produces well formed XML as an output. That would be a step toward producing a dual purpose document with Context, for print and for e-book use.
Context users have invested time, often years, in learning how to write Context code. Writing XML is a whole other skillset, comparable to writing xhtml.
So is writing a Context to XML converter a possibility? A probability? The commercial program InDesign already has such a capability.
Creating ePub from ConTeXt is still tedious - you need to tag everything (even paragraphs) with \start/\stop, the resulting export.xml is still missing a root node if you use project structure (components), and you need to tinker a lot with the results, since even available information like title is not written to the relevant ePub files. I’m at the moment working at ePub versions of my somgbooklets (using LilyPond) and have a bunch of XSL transformations plus shell script (Lua would have more style, I know) to automate as much as possible. That stuff is in a state of „works for me“, will try to flesh out the wiki page as soon as I’m content. Greetlings, Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)