Hi Hans, While experimenting with \button according to your suggestions, I noticed that there might be a bug somewhere between interaction and the button command: the following code (sent by you some years ago…) works fine as expected in mkii but does not work in mkiv (neither the most recent beta, nor the stable one from TeXLive 2017). The link to jump to the figure works fine, but the one to jump back (PreviousJump) does not work in mkiv. Thanks for your attention: OK %% begin go-back-tofig.tex \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \dorecurse {2} { See \in{figure}[fig:#1].\par \input knuth.tex \page \placefigure [here] [fig:#1] {} {\button[offset=overlay]{\externalfigure[cow.pdf]}[PreviousJump]} \input ward.tex \page} \stoptext %% end go-back-tofig.tex