13 Apr
13 Apr
9:38 a.m.
I have TeXLive 2008 installed on Windows (on a path with no spaces). I wanted to update ConTexT, so ran the following commands (using cygwin), following instructions from wiki rsync -av rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/context/current/ /cygdrive/c/texlive/2008/texmf-dist/ which ran fine. However the next command rsync -av rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/bin/luatex/win32/bin/luatex /cygdrive/c/texlive/2008/bin/win32/ fails, producing rsync: change_dir "/current/bin/luatex/win32" (in minimals) failed: No such file or directory So the question is, how do I update the ConTexT and luatex for windows (TeXLive installation)? Note that, luatools --generate generates no cnf files found message. Regards Abhishek