Hello! I'm trying to place dynamic content on a layer and now it turns out that while getting a different pic every time is easy, getting the layers redrawn wasn't that simple. The wiki has this code: \definelayer [pagenumber] [width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight, preset=middle, state=repeat] \setlayer[pagenumber]{Page \pagenumber} \setupbackgrounds[page][background=pagenumber] \starttext \dorecurse{4}{\page[empty]} \stoptext AFAIK, that should be a complete minimal sample. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, at least my ConTeXt MkIV of February 8 only gives "Page 1" on every one of those 4 pages... How to fix this? Preferably on the "Dummies" level, I'd prefer not to see the bowels of my ConTeXt, if I can avoid it. Thanks, Mari