Hi Vit When using arranging one needs either to use the option --arranging together with texexec and therefore no \setuparranging in the file or put \setuparranging in the file and run it first with the \setuparranging command commented. This will result in a jobname.tuo file, which is used in a further run with the \setuparranging line uncommented. - With this method the problem is, that when running the file through texexec with the \setuparranging command uncommented for all runs you end up with an inappropriate jobname.tuo file. That is the reason why you do not get the table of contents. When compiling your sample code with first the commented \setuparranging command and a final run with this line uncommented I get here: 2 sheets, first page with table of contents, the sections one and three, then follows a whole empty page (A4) with the mentioned 0 (zero)at the bottom left, the last page contains the the section two. See also attachment. Kind regards Willi Vit Zyka wrote:
\setuppapersize[A5][A4,landscape] \setuparranging[2SIDE]
With [2SIDE], I don't get an empty page. I do get an extra page with a 0 down at the lower left corner. And this is annoying.
Yes, I have the same observation. The "0" in left bottom corner of additional (and unwanted) sheet.
Perhaps it is corrected in the new beta (my ConTeXt is a half year old), but a) I am travelling foreign country with limited time and Internet access, b) I am using rather complex macro for traveller electronic journal and switching to new beta means complex testing if everything will work OK.
Please, can anybody with new ConTeXt check, how many pages are produced by next code? And if the table of contents is present?
Thanks Vit Zyka
(Hint: I got 3 pages (not expected 2) without table of content. Table of content is relaxed by using command \setuparranging.)
Code: --- \setuppapersize[A5,landscape][A4] \setuparranging[2TOPSIDE]
\starttext Content: \placecontent \switchtobodyfont[20pt] \dorecurse{3}{\section{Section \recurselevel}Page \recurselevel\page} \stoptext ---
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