14 Aug
14 Aug
4:41 a.m.
Yes, now I am getting my input, thanks!
But the style seems to be severely broken: I do not become the frames,
background colors etc as defined in the style.
Compile your example and compare it with:
Thanks again for your time and help!
On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Aditya Mahajan
On Tue, 13 Aug 2013, Pau wrote:
thanks but when adding those lines you suggested, while texexec seems to be working and is producing a pdf, it has nothing to do with my contents:
Sorry. The following works correctly (tested this time)
\def\continueifinputfile#1% {\doifnot\inputfilename{#1}{\endinput}}
\TitlePage{Title \vfill Author}
\starttext Whatever \stoptext