Am 04.08.22 um 14:32 schrieb Hans Hagen via ntg-context:
On 8/4/2022 10:22 AM, Max Chernoff via ntg-context wrote:
* The flight would take 14 hours each way (biggest reason) * The flight would cost more than 2 months of rent
Understandable – I won’t ever fly overseas for a conference.
* It would be a bad idea for me to miss a full week of classes last year we experimented with some remote attendents but also decided that we would only mix that wilt a real meeting with a threshold attendance ... personally i will not sit behind a screen and present something staring in a camera .. it simply works better with real people there ... i don't know what is planned for this year wrt remote
We will do the same as last year, use BigBlueButton for sharing the presentation and camera & microphone for the presenter, sometimes an additional camera for the room or showing stuff. (No recording, no general room camera.) Someone will watch the chat and relay questions. We’ll project remote presenters to the screen and use speakers. Discussion between local and remote participants is always a bit difficult, we’ll try again with microphones. But, also like last year, we have only a household DSL connection. That doesn’t limit remote participants, but the locals should not use the system as well. I also can’t guarantee that everthings works – last year we had big problems with the local DHCP/router. Hraban