Hi! I've met a strange problem with indentation in consecutive enumerations. It seems to me that if 1) the first enumeration uses indentnext=no AND 2) the next enumeration uses a background then the second(?) paragraph of the second enumeration is not indented. Here is a small example (see what lines to comment to avoid the problem). %%% \defineenumeration[losning][ text=Lösning, title=yes, alternative=serried, width=fit, number=no, headstyle={\em}, titlestyle=, indentnext=no,% another way to get indentation is to comment this line indenting={yes,medium}, ] \defineframedtext[anmärkningsbakgrunden][ width=\textwidth, background=color, backgroundcolor=gray, ] \defineenumeration[anmarkning][ text=Anmärkning, title=yes, headstyle={\definedfont[Bold*default]\WORD}, alternative=serried, width=fit, number=no, prefix=no, indentnext=no, indenting={yes,medium}, before={\startanmärkningsbakgrunden},% if these two lines are commented then after={\stopanmärkningsbakgrunden},% the indentation works ] \starttext \startlosning This environment destroys indentation in the next. \stoplosning \startanmarkning This is just a first paragraph. This paragraph should be indented. This paragraph is always indented. \stopanmarkning \stoptext %%% (This is a stripped down example with some settings removed. But it shows the point.) Am I doing something wrong? The resulting pdf is attached. /Mikael PS I think I saw this problem both with mkiv and lmtx.