"Maurice" == Maurice Diamantini
Maurice> Le 4 juin 08 à 15:34, Gour a écrit : Hello! Maurice> port info ghc => ghc 6.8.2, Revision 3, lang/ghc (Variants: Maurice> universal, darwin_6, darwin_7, darwin_8_powerpc, darwin_8_i386, Maurice> darwin_9_powerpc, darwin_9_i386, no_opengl) http://haskell.org/ Here is the reply from pandoc main developer: "This problem was introduced when MacPorts updated to the most recent version of the haddock documentation tool. I submitted a patch to MacPorts a long time ago, but nobody has committed it to the repository. (The committer who looked at the patch has had trouble building GHC 6.8.2 on his Mac, so he can't test the pandoc patch.) There's a description of a workaround here: http://groups.google.com/group/pandoc-discuss/browse_thread/thread/c9ecef594..." Sincerely, Gour -- Gour | Zagreb, Croatia | GPG key: C6E7162D ----------------------------------------------------------------