6 Jul
6 Jul
1:15 a.m.
The following: \setupinteraction[state=start,focus=standard,color=black,contrastcolor=black] \defineenumeration[proposition][alternative=top,text=Proposición,headalign=middle,numberconversion=R,headstyle=\WORDS,style=\emph,referenceprefix=prop] \starttext \startproposition[1] \dorecurse{10}{\input ward} \stopproposition \in[prop:1] \stoptext works almost perfectly. However, the cross-reference does not work, even if the number of the enumeration is displayed correctly. The example fails both in LuaTeX and LuaMetaTeX. As I remember, the problem appeared as early as 2019, so not a matter of a bad installation. Any ideas? Cordially, Jairo :)