Le 06 avril 2010 à 08:52, Willi Egger a écrit:
you will have to give more paramters to the \setuplayout command
... leftmargign=1cm, leftmargindistance=.5\em, rightmargin=2cm, rightmargindistance=.5\em, width=fit ...
I think I'm misleaded by the (my) confusion between "margins" and "edges". Here's what I use, it's almost satisfying but I've a small amount of space at the left edge of each pages and the whole layout isn't double-side. \definepapersize[book][width=10cm,height=18cm] \setuppapersize[book][A4] \setuplayout [%backspace=1cm, % am I right to comment out this line? leftedge=1cm, rightedge=2cm, leftedgedistance=0cm, rightedgedistance=0cm, leftmargin=0cm, rightmargin=0cm, width=7cm, % either "fit" doesn't suppress the above mentionned % whitespace topspace=1cm, bottomspace=1.5cm, %header=..., headerdistance=1cm, %footer=..., %footerdistance=..., height=middle, location=middle, marking=on] \showlayout \starttext \input tufte \stoptext Sincerely, -- Sébastien Mengin Édition et logiciels libres < Mise en page avec LaTeX > http://edilibre.net