On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 11:53, Marco
On 2012-02-16 Mari Voipio
wrote: So, if I have
photo1.jpg photo2.jpg photo3.jpg photo4.jpg
and \dorecurse{10}{insert random photo here}, how do I do it?
Beware, \recurselevel counts go like this 1 2 3 4 5 …. If your photos are not numbered according to this scheme, the 10th picture will bite you.
Beautiful, it works - and I even understand it. :-) And I managed to figure out by myself that I can do a nested \dorecurse to multiply this: \dorecurse{3}{\dorecurse{6}{\externalfigure[pikkukuva\recurselevel][height=25mm,frame=on]}} My not be the most elegant (or fastest compiling!) solution, but this one I can definitely get to work and it'll suit my purpose well enough. Thank you, Mari