11 Aug
11 Aug
4:40 a.m.
The third line in the page 145 in the MetaFun manual (metafun-p.pdf) says The \Shaped macro was defined as: .... some \inframed[background=Shape]{text} with a frame ... .... some \Shaped{text} with a frame ... It seems to be a typo. Let me know the exact definition of \Shaped macro. Thanks in advance. Best, ChoF. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** | Cho, Jin-Hwan == ChoF | ^ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o | Dept. of Mathematics | --- | The University of Suwon | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | Korean TeX Users Group | | | http://www.ktug.or.kr | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | chofchof@ktug.or.kr | *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~