Dear friends, Let's join the font discussion! Two years ago I installed under latex an adapted cyrillic font family, along with a new encoding (which I named l2t.enc -- a variant of t2a), for koi8 texts, which makes it possible to call special diacritics (like \cyrkdot) by means of regular input codes, such as \= and \d. (In this way the text can still be processed without the special font and its code, but looks less nice.) As anybody can imagine, it was the toughest latex thing I ever did, I guess, but it worked and still does. I am telling you this because after this complicated job I have been trying several times to install a simple type 1 font under Context, the last time being two days ago, but without any success. (I got the same simple font working under latex, though.) I carefully read Adam's 'My Way' over and over again, but I cannot get it work in my system. I put all the files exactly on the indicated places! (Texfont is very handy, but it seems to me, that nevertheless mapping files are not found.) Could anybody give me, and some others, a hand? The font is simply not recognised (log file message: bodyfont: unknown variant johanna). Of course, I am still miles away of getting my cyrillic font working under context... Let's not take the font Palatino, because it's already there, but a simple font: say, johanna, which consists of two files: johanna.pfb johanna.afm. Which concrete steps do we have to take to make johanna work under Context with Miktex? And, perhaps more important, where do I put my map files and font files, etc. so that they be recognised? The next step would be the installation of a ttf font. After that a whole font family should not be that difficult anymore. Thank you very much in advance! Kind regards, Robert Ermers