Am 17.01.2010 um 09:13 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 16.01.2010 um 23:08 schrieb Andreas Harder:
can you try \convertedstructurecounter[chapter][type=last]
Hello Wolfgang,
I tried, but it only outputs nothing visible.
Sorry, my fault. Section numbering use their own system to save and get the numbers.
What you can do is to save the number of the last chapter at the end of the document with two pass data (\definetwopasslist) and use the result in the second run or you what for a solution from Hans.
Thank you Wolfgang! You pointed me to \definetwopasslist and that brought me to the following solution (without \definetwopasslist): \newcounter\ChapNum \def\NofChaps{0} \definehead [chapter] [before=\increment\ChapNum, after=\savecurrentvalue\NofChaps{\countervalue{ChapNum}}] \starttext Dieses Dokument besteht aus \NofChaps\ Kapiteln. \dorecurse{9}{\chapter{Kapitel #1}} \stoptext Nonetheless the needed information is already present even more if one uses a table of contents … Andreas