Am 09.11.2010 um 00:30 schrieb Michael Goerz:
Hi everyone,
I want part titles to appear on the own (empty) page, centered horizontally and vertically, and in small caps. To this end, I've set up the \part command as
\def\Partcommand#1#2{\centerline{\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ]
\definefont[PartStyle][Caps sa 1] \setuphead [part] [placehead=yes, number=no, before={\startstandardmakeup[align={middle,lohi}]}, after=\stopstandardmakeup, style=PartStyle, %align=middle, %page={yes,header,footer,right}, %header=high, %footer=high, prefix=no] Wolfgang