Hi all, I'd like to use the commercial Adobe Kepler typeface (Kepler Std - version 2.020) in conTeXt (v2023-04-15) as text (serif) font. Although the font files are loaded correctly (see log below), the generated PDF is unreadable (see attached image). Notes: - Only serif font (keplerstd-light.otf) is not working. It's not embedded in the generated PDF. - italics and bold fonts are embedded and are rendered well - Can't provide font files because Kepler is a commercial typeface Do you have any ideas how to debug this issue? Thanks Werner log file: mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 10 files: fontawesome6freesolid900.otf, frutigernextpro-bold.otf, frutigernextpro-regular.otf, iosevka-term-ss09-light.ttf, keplerstd-light.otf, keplerstd-lightcapt.otf, keplerstd-lightit.otf, keplerstd-semibold.otf, latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.133, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 30 instances, 18 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 15 common hashes, load time 0.449 seconds Example: This text can't be read in PDF.par {it However, italics are working.}par {bold Also Bold and bfem BoldItalics!}par input{zapf}