Hi, The following doesn't show the "swelled rule" defined below in mkiv, while on mkii it is fine? So my question is: is there a new way to define MPgraphic in mkiv? Best regards: OK %% defining swelled ruel, or English rule... \setupMPvariables[SwelledRule][height=2pt,breadth=.667\localhsize] \startuniqueMPgraphic{SwelledRule}{height,breadth} x1 = 0; x2 = x6 = .333x4; x3 = x5 = .667x4; x4 = \MPvar{breadth}; y1 = y4 = \MPvar{height}/2; y2 = y3 = \MPvar{height}; y5 = y6 = 0; fill z1--z2--z3--z4--z5--z6--cycle; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \def\SwelledRule{\blank% \setlocalhsize\midaligned{\reuseMPgraphic{SwelledRule}}\blank} %% end swelled rule \starttext This file has been typeset on \currentdate{} at \currenttime, with \doifmodeelse{mkiv} {mkiv, LuaTeX revision \luatexrevision, (LuaTeX date stamp \luatexdatestamp),} {mkii, using the command: \type{texexec basic-test.tex}}, ConTeXt version \contextversion. % LuaTeX version \luatexversion, Below should be a swelled rule: it appears with mkii, but not in mkiv \dots \SwelledRule \stoptext