In the code below, I do not understand why the label "Arbre 2" does not have the color you want, that is to say the same as the label "Arbre 1". Thank you. \usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \definecolor[A2][c=0.60, m=0.00, y=0.00, k=0.10] \definecolor[H1prime][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00] \starttext \starttikzpicture[line width=0.3mm, >=stealth, x=1cm, y=1cm,line cap=round, line join=round] \tikzstyle{epais}=[line width=0.5mm, line cap=butt] \tikzstyle{tres epais}=[line width=0.8mm, line cap=butt] \draw [tres epais] (6.02,3.63)-- (8.88,3.64); \draw (6.02,3.63)-- (6.03,0.77); \draw [tres epais] (6.03,0.77)-- (6.02,3.63); \draw [tres epais] (8.88,3.64)-- (8.89,0.78); \draw [dashed] (-3.38,3.6)-- (8.89,-0.09); \draw [dashed] (8.89,-0.09)-- (8.89,0.78); \draw [dashed] (-3.38,3.6)-- (6.02,3.63); \draw [A2,epais,domain=-1:2] plot(\x,{(-8.9-4.4*\x)/-3}); \draw [A2,epais,domain=1.5:4.5] plot(\x,{(--1.58-5.12*\x)/-4.72}); \draw (8.84,4.4) node {\color[H1prime]{\bf Arbre 1}}; \draw (-2.96,4.4) node {\color[H1prime]{\bf Arbre 2}}; \node at (8.14,0.8) {\small piquet 4}; \draw [A1](8.84,-0.3) node {\bf Georges}; \node[rotate=45] at (0.28,1.88) {\color[A2]{\bf Ravin}}; \node[rotate=90] at (9.4,1.74) {\color[B1prime]{\bf longueur mesurée}}; \draw (2.46,4) node {\color[B1prime]{\bf longueur inconnue à estimer}}; \draw[B1prime,<->] (9.05,3.62)-- (9.05,-0.09); \draw[B1prime,<->] (-3.38,3.8)-- (8.9,3.8); \node at (8.84,4.0) {\small piquet 1}; \node[rotate=30] at (6.22,4) {\small piquet 2}; \node[rotate=30] at (6.22,0.5) {\small piquet 3}; \stoptikzpicture \stoptext