2008/7/27 Taco Hoekwater
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
— look at the end of the first page : there's a big gap. Don't know why. It's in the middle of a sentence, and the paragraph is big after.
Sorry, I don't have Gentium and I do not get the same problem with latin modern.
That's because of the penalty for pages ending with a hyphen. At the page size of an ebook, you are better off with
\brokenpenalty \zerocount
That was it. Strange, I had to put this after « \starttext » to get it run.
— on page 3, before « Une horloge » I can't have indentation after \crlf. I used a « \packed » command after empty line but it's not what I want. I want a new line, with indentation but not a « \par » vertical spacing.
In other words, you are lying. :-)
and then
Dans l'arrière pays.\fakepar
Une horloge ...
does what you want, but it doesn't deserve a price for elegance either.
I'm totally right with you. I tried to did this because it's the way I find it on the paper book. But it's quite hugly and strange. Your trick is the good one. Sadly S. Beckett books are still under copyright, but I can promis that the result is quite perfect. Cheers, Olivier. -- [Message tapé sur un clavier Bépo : http://www.clavier-dvorak.org ] http://nemolivier.blogspot.com