En/na Hans Hagen ha escrit:
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Hi Xan,
Have you ever considered to create a minimum example, your example is far away from this and you would do not only other people a favor with this but you too.
indeed as it takes me 10 minutes of selective deletion to zoom in on the error (tip: use a bit more empty lines in your source)
\startitemize[1] \item test \stopitemize
Thank you VERY much Hans. I'm charmed. Thanks. I was crazy finding the error. I was convinced that it was a silly thing.....
as you redefine \symbol to be a register entry resolving \symbol[1] inside the itemize does not work any more as expected
so, when defining commands
- avoid built incommands - for instance by using longer names - or names that are unlikely to show up in the core - or Symbol or MySymbol or so
Really, I did not know that. It's a messy thing that we could not define what we like ;-)
furthermore, a few tips:
\setupbodyfont [cmr,11pt] % cmr, 11pt
% no need for cmr Yes I know.
% \bfd is a bit faster (no need for {} unless embedded []) OKay.
\usemodule[bib] \usemodule[bibltx] \setupbibtex[database=memoria,sort=author]
% avoid this in examples as we don't have your data Okay. Sorry.
% most math is in the core so that module is kind of obsolete
% not needed, as it is preloaded or loaded automatically
Mmmm... interesting. I remember that I put because I just want to put one symbol. I don't remember why I have that....
\hyphenation{do-cu-ment} \hyphenation{pro-ble-ma} \hyphenation{es-crip-tu-ra} \hyphenation{ge-ne-ra-lit-za-ciĆ³} \hyphenation{cor-res-po-nents} \hyphenation{pa-rells} \hyphenation{ge-ne-rat}
% collect these exceptions and send then to mojca or arthur
Okay. It's a pleasure to give to you. How can I see what is, if there is, the lists of hyphenated words?
\usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfmath] \usetikzlibrary[mindmap,arrows,calc,decorations.pathmorphing,decorations.markings]
% it seems that something is loaded twice (or at least dimension registers are redefined)
\setupunderbar[alternative=b] % Fix underline style
% you can use the textbackgrounds for this (see anch-bar)
Thanks for this pointing.... Regards, Xan.