[starting ConTeXt wiki at] http://members.ping.de:8062/
Finde ich eine gute Idee! Was mir (neben der Hilfe auf auf der Liste für neue Probleme) am meisten bringt, und ich bisher etwas vermisse, sind Beispiel-Dokumente (genauer: deren Quellcode). [missing example documents and sources]
What kind of example documents do you think of? I guess that you know that the magazines on the main ConTeXt site have their source code included?
I am sorry for sending the first answer in German; I accidentally sent it to the whole list. I was thinking of all kinds of day-to-day documents, like the letter template I mentioned. I could not find one according to DIN-standards, so I did some trial-and-error experiments and created my own. Arguments for a collection could be: 1) Perhaps a comprehensive and classified collection of sample documents could spare others such time consuming trials. 2) On the other hand, my template could for sure be further improved (beyond the level, I am capable of), so by putting it on a WIKI, I may get hints and feedback by others. What was your motivation for mentioning such a collection on the WIKI? Another advantage of the WIKI would be the following: I am often lost, when I try to remember, where I found a certain hint/trick/technique I am remembering. If there is a place where everyone can edit pages and include hints or links to information, then there would be no need to create more and more separate web sites about ConTeXt, because the content could be placed in the WIKI, or it could at least be linked from there. -- Holger F. Schoener TU Berlin; Dept. IV: EE and Computer Science hfsch@cs.tu-berlin.de http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~hfsch/ Rooms FR2525 Tel: +49-30-314-73115, Fax: -73121 Office FR 2-1 Franklinstr. 28/29, D-10587 Berlin, Germany