Hi David, If \setupcite[compress=no] is acceptable to you, then I suggest getting the latest beta of the bib module: http://tex.aanhet.net/bib/m-bib-beta-20051123b.zip That should take care of your first points. The "misc" entries need an adjusted (better) definition of \setuppublicationlayout. Try this (in your preamble): \setuppublicationlayout[misc]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}% \insertpubyear{(\insertmonth{}{, }{}}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}. }{}% \insertpublisher{}{. }{\inserthowpublished{}{. }{}}% \insertpages{}{p. }{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } Last I checked, \cite within the biblist typesets correctly, but it does not actually make the record appear in the list unless it is also cited elsewhere. (the reason behind that is that it is apparently not possible to add stuff to a \definelist-ed list while that same list is being typeset). Cheers, Taco David Antos wrote:
I have several problems with the bibliography module in last stable (2005.12.19).
You can find a minimal (well, as minimal as I was able to prepare ;) example at http://www.fi.muni.cz/~xantos/biblio-example.tgz .
First, starting with the second page of bibliography, the beginnings of lines are not aligned to the left.
Moreover, some entries produce an empty line after them. It seems probable that some unwanted spaces appear in the macros.
In "misc" entries, only authors and titles are typeset. See the very first entry cited in the document (Ha\v{z}muk): it contains howpublished and month and they are ignored. BTW, is the \cite inside the bibliography entry likely to work?
Can I correct my setups somehow to override those problems?
Thanks a lot, D.A.