On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 15:58:25 -0300
Stanislav Sokolenko
I have recently come across the SciLua project (http://scilua.org/index.html) which has a built-in LuaJIT client for Rserve (http://scilua.org/rclient.html) and may be relevant to the discussion. Although it certainly isn't as general as something like jupyter, leaning on SciLua may be an easier means of getting access to scientific computation with R and basic numerical methods. I am personally planning to look into switching from filter to SciLua if it means that I can get more efficient data transfer between R and ConTeXt. But I'm a ConTeXt and Lua neophyte so I doubt my personal efforts will be translatable into something more general like a module.
With some work, the scilua routines (which depend on OpenBLAS) could probably be made to work as a module under luatex with no need for an external client. Alan