Could somebody explain me why this (the part that is commented) doesn't work? I get the following error: tex error > tex error on line 0 in file : ! Emergency stop <*> cont-yes.mkiv <empty file> *** (job aborted, no legal \end found) Thanks Michael ------------------------------------------- \startbuffer[duane] @image {tug2014, title = "TUG 2014", url = "http://tug.org/tug2014/", url_image = "http://tug.org/art/tug2014-color.jpg", url_thumb = "http://tug.org/tug2014/t2014-thumb.jpg", description = "Official drawing of the TUG 2014 conference", author = "Duane Bibby", year = 2014, } \stopbuffer \definebtxdataset [duane] \usebtxdataset [duane] [duane.buffer] \usebtxdefinitions [duane] \definebtxrendering [duane] [dataset=duane, method=local, ] \setupbtxlist [duane] [number=no] \startsetups btx:duane:list:image \btxfield{title} \stopsetups \startsetups btx:duane:cite:external {\externalfigure[\btxfield{url_image}][width=10cm]} \stopsetups \startsetups btx:duane:cite:filename {\btxfield{url_image}} \stopsetups \starttext \cite[filename][duane::tug2014]\par \cite[external][duane::tug2014]\par % Why does this not work? %\externalfigure[\cite[filename][duane::tug2014]][width=10cm]\par \placebtxrendering[duane] \stoptext