On Sun, 21 Aug 2011, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Sun, 21 Aug 2011, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
- even if I rename the buffer file, LilyPond isn’t run.
t-filter > current filter : lilypond t-filter > base file : test1-temp-lilypond t-filter > input file : test1-temp-lilypond.tmp t-filter > output file : t-filter > command :
With the latest version, I also get this. Strange.
This took a while to debug. The internal representation of the namespace macros has changed in MkIV. \definenamespace[whatever][...] \definewhatever[something][key=value] now defines a macro \whatever:something:key rather than \whateversomethingkey (note the extra colon). In the filter module, I had: \getparameters[\externalfilter::namespace#1][\s!parent=\externalfilter::namespace,#2] which fails in MkIV. To get a working solution in both MkII and MkIV I need: \setupexternalfilter[#1][\s!parent=\externalfilter::namespace,#2] @Hans and Wolfgang: Is it possible to change the internnal representation in mult-aux.mkii so that MkII and MkIV are consistent again? @Hraban: Long story short, the filter module is working again. Can you test the dev branch from the latest git version? Aditya