On 9 Apr 2015, at 21:39, Otared Kavian wrote:
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for sharing your script! Today I installed the update, but unfortunately now I cannot run it… because of a security message which prevents its execution, saying:
%%%% begin system message
… %%%% end system message
Have a solution to this?
Best regards: OK
Hi Otared, Thanks for notifying me about this. The signature of the ASObjC Runner has become corrupted (for unknown reasons). I’ve uploaded a new version. It should work now without codesign error, given that … - you are on OS X 10.9 or later (because a component needed for 10.8 is not signed) and - in your Security & Privacy preference pane you have *not* set “Allow apps downloaded from” to “Mac App Store” (the other two should be fine) If it doesn’t work on your system you can always do one of the following: - Copy the the script bundle to your disk, open it (right click -> Show Package Contents), go to Contents/Resources/bin, right-click each of the app bundles and choose Open from the context menu and confirm the following dialog window. - Or set the option in the above mentioned preference pane to “Anywhere”, launch the script and let it do one typesetting run, then change the option in the preference pane back to where it was. Let me know if you encounter any further problems. -- Thomas http://dflect.net/context-typeset-tool/ 1.2.4 (62) (2015-04-09) Replaced ASObjC Runner component with a new copy (code signature problem). Updated terminal-notifier component to 1.6.3 (this is only used on OS X prior to 10.9).