On 1/11/2020 10:04, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Hi all, I’m trying to setup a book layout where each chapter begins with a quote and an image on the left page, followed by title and text start on the right page.
While the quote & image thing works, I can’t get the title on the right page, ConTeXt always puts it right of the image, even if that’s as wide as the text width. \page[right] doesn’t do anything. Where’s my mistake?
There are also chapters without that intro, therefore I use \doifnot{\structureuservariable{subtitle}}, but those should also start on a right page. I could also use a different section name. But I don’t think that’s the problem.
(The page number should appear on the right page; it wouldn’t hurt on the left page, but the chapter title should only appear on following pages.)
Best, Hraban
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \define[2]\FancyChapter{% \doifnot{\structureuservariable{subtitle}}{}{% \startstandardmakeup \framed[ width=\textwidth,height=fit, offset=overlay, align=flushleft, ]{% \definedfont[SerifItalic at 16pt] \structureuservariable{subtitle}% } \framed[width=\textwidth]{% \externalfigure[dummy][width=\textwidth]% } %\hfill\vfill\strut % doesn’t help \stopstandardmakeup } \page[right] % \framed[ width=\textwidth, offset=overlay, align=flushleft, ]{% \definedfont[Sans at 32pt]%#2 \structurevariable{title}% }% }
\setupheadertexts[][pagenumber][pagenumber][chapter] \setuphead[chapter][ page=left, number=no, header=high, command=\FancyChapter, ]
\startchapter[title={My Normal Text}]
\input knuth
\startchapter[title={My Fancy Story}] [subtitle={\quotation{I thought that was real.}}]
\input tufte
\stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
For what it is worth, here is how I address this. This lets me place epigraphs on the facing verso of a chapter, or under the section title, and set lettrines and first line treatment for chapters. I set page numbers in a separate overlay to better control the positioning. Perhaps a bit overthought, but it works for me ... \setupheadertexts [][{\it\getmarking[section]}] [{\it\getmarking[chapter]}][] \startsetups section:epigraph \doifelsebuffer{SectionEpigraph} {\getbuffer [SectionEpigraph] \resetbuffer[SectionEpigraph]} {\donothing} \stopsetups \startsetups chapter:epigraph \setupheadertexts [][][][] \doifelsebuffer{ChapterEpigraph} {\doifoddpageelse {\page[left]} {\donothing} \centerbox{\getbuffer[ChapterEpigraph]} \resetbuffer[ChapterEpigraph] } {\donothing} \page[right] \setupheadertexts [][{\it\getmarking[section]}] [{\it\getmarking[chapter]}][] \stopsetups \startsectionblockenvironment[bodypart] \setuphead [chapter][ style=\tfc\HeadFont, page=yes, separator=, numbercolor=darkgray, alternative=inmargin, before=\directsetup{chapter:epigraph}, after={\resetshownsynonyms[dictionary] \setupsynonyms[dictionary][alternative=first] \doifsomething{\structureuservariable{setFirst}} {\setfirstline[\structureuservariable{setFirst}]} \doif{\structureuservariable{Lettrine}} {yes}{\setinitial}}, ] \setuphead [section][ style=\tfb\HeadFont, insidesection=\setups{section:epigraph}, before={\blank[big]}, sectionseparatorset=reddot, numbercolor=darkgray, alternative=inmargin, ] \setuphead [subsection] [ style=\tfa\HeadFont, number=no, distance=0pt, insidesection=\setups{section:epigraph}, before={\blank[big]}, alternative=normal, after={\blank[halfline]}, numbercolor=, sectionseparatorset=, ] \stopsectionblockenvironment \definefirstline [5W][alternative=word, n=5,style=smallcaps]% and so on as you like \definefirstline [1L][alternative=line, style=smallcaps] ... \starttext ... \startbuffer[ChapterEpigraph] \startEpigraph% brings in its own formatting The stuff of the epigraph \stopEpigraph \stopbuffer \startchapter[reference={cha:blah}, list={blah}, % toc marking={blah}, % page heading bookmark={blah}, % pdf bookmark title={blah}] % chapter head [Lettrine=yes,setFirst=5W] ... \stopchapter \startchapter[reference={cha:more}, title={more stuff}] [lettrine=yes] ... \stopchapter -- Rik Kabel