Dear all, I have a number of tables defined like this: \placetable[here][tab:some-table]{Some Table} \starttabulate[|w(.30\textwidth)p|w(.70\textwidth)p|] \HL \NC {\bf Animal} \NC {\bf Comment} \NC\FR \HL \NC Cat \NC Pretty cool \NC\MR \NC Bear \NC Kind of lazy \NC\MR \NC Sheep \NC Always hungry \NC\MR \HL \stoptabulate However, I need one of these tables to split over adjacent pages, which according to the documentation should be achievable with \setuptabulate[split=yes] However, that does not seem to work in connection with the \placetable line. That is, if I put that last line in front of the block mentioned above, the table does still not split across adjacent pages. I have to remove the \placetable line for the \setuptabulate line to have any effect, except then I loose my caption and can no longer cross-reference to table either. Any clues? Thank you, Malte.