On 30 Dec 2024, at 14:06, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 12/28/2024 3:51 AM, Bruce Horrocks wrote:
On 27 Dec 2024, at 19:21, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 12/27/2024 8:11 PM, Bruce Horrocks wrote:
On 27 Dec 2024, at 10:03, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Bruce Horrocks schrieb am 27.12.2024 um 00:09:
Trying to include a URL as a clickable link using \goto but in the generated PDF the underlying link is corrupted.
\setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \goto{https://www.mclpcb.com/blog/polyimide-pcb-material-information-fr4-vs-polyimide-pcb/} [https://www.mclpcb.com/blog/polyimide-pcb-material-information-fr4-vs-polyim...)] \stoptext
Becomes: https://www.mclpcb.com/blog/polyimide%C2%ADpcb%C2%ADmaterial%C2%ADinformatio... Note hyphens changed and the URL has been truncated.
To get working links use url(...) for the second argument and to ensure it breaks at proper points in text use \hypehantedurl{...} for the first argument.
\goto{\hyphenatedurl{...}}[url(...)] Thanks Wolfgang and Hans - it was the missing url(...) where I seem to be incapable of cutting and pasting properly anymore! I'm surprised that anything got put into the PDF - if it had failed to do anything then I think I would have realised. Oh well, live and learn. :-)
try without the url ... and \nopdfcompression .. there is no annot in the pdf file ... it's likely your pdf viewer trying to be smart by interpreting the page (test) stream (i really don't like such features) You're right except that it is the Mac's built-in "url detector" that is going wrong as several PDF viewers get it wrong in the same way. But there is something quirky about the typesetting that Context is doing because, in the following MWE, link-detection goes wrong for the first but works for the second. \setuppapersize[A3] \starttext https://www.mclpcb.com/blog/polyimide-pcb-material-information-fr4-vs-polyim... \par \setupalign[nothyphenated] https://www.mclpcb.com/blog/polyimide-pcb-material-information-fr4-vs-polyim... \stoptext If I open the pdf created by the above in LibreOffice Writer then all the hyphens in the first url are removed apart from the one after "fr4". These removed hyphens are the same ones that get converted to %C2%AD in the bad URL created by the Mac. Similarly a select-all, copy then paste into a text editor also has the hyphens missing as per LibreWriter. The second URL is fine. It can go to the very end of your "things to look at" list as it's hardly urgent and the work-around is as shown. I just note it here for the mailing list in case someone in the future wonders why urls copied from their PDFs sometimes don't work.
The problem is the following:
1 - when we hyphenate hyphens get injected based on patterns 2 - when we use an - it becomes a discretionary unless we disbale hyphenation 3 - a \- becomes a discretionary anyway
so that's the input. Then we render a - or not and there are two vartiants then: 0x2D and 0xAD. Currently we mark your -'s as 0xAD in the pdf but i can limit that to syllable discretionaties only case 1 so i'll do that instead.
Then there is the cut'n'paste as well as interpretation as url (or whatever we don't know about) in viewers ... and that is a real inconstent mess. So, in the end, what works at your end can be different at mine. One can argue for that soft hyphens should connect snippets when cutting (so across lines) and disappear when in an url.
Whatever we do, it will, never be perfect.
It hadn't occurred to me that the hyphenation mechanism caused *all* hard hyphens present in the source to be replaced with the soft-hyphen character. Aside from URLs this means that any text with a natural hyphen such as a name like Olivia Newton-John won't copy and paste from the PDF. I appreciate that when TeX was being designed, cutting and pasting from a PDF wasn't something that could be foreseen, but is there any reason why 0x2Ds can't be left unchanged and hyphens added by Context use 0xAD? Seems too simple. — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK