Peter M?nster wrote:
\setupfootnotes[numbercommand=, textcommand=, style=, textstyle=, bodyfont=]
Thanks, Peter. With some experimentation I got what I wanted. For the record, I'm using: \definefontfeature[su][body][sups=yes,ordn=yes]%superior \definefontfeature[nu][body][numr=yes]%numerator \definefontfeature[po][body][pnum=yes,onum=yes]%proportional old style \newcommand{\fnmstyle}{\addff{nu}\switchtobodyfont[12pt]} \newcommand{\fntstyle}{\addff{po}} \setupnote[footnote][location=columns,numbercommand=\fnmstyle,textcommand=\fntstyle,textstyle=\addff{su},align={normal,hanging},split=verystrict,interaction=yes] I don't know quite why it works, but it works---except for one little thing---there is a little vertical space between each footnote (apparently because of the \switchtobodyfont[12pt]). So I have one more question: is there a way to force the footnotes onto their own grid to prevent this? I am already using \setuplayout[...,grid=verytolerant], which I thought would take care of it.