Hi, I have a collection of PDF files of varying sizes and aspect ratios. I'm currently using a combination and external figures to place these into frames: \setupexternalfigures[width=45.2mm, frame=off, factor=fit] \setupcombinations[nx=5,ny=4,width=277mm,distance=10mm,after={\blank[10mm]}] \setupframed[offset=1.0mm,background=color,rulethickness=0.25pt,backgroundcolor=white,framecolor=lightgray] \starttext \startsection [title={title text}] \placefigure[here][nonumber] {\vspace more text} {\startcombination {\framed[] {\externalfigure[1.pdf][location=middle]}{}}{} %% and so on This works well, but what I'd like to do is choose a fixed size frame for each PDF and have ConTeXt fill the frame in the same way as these CSS commands: object-fit : cover; object-position : top left; overflow : hidden; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-images/#the-object-fit) That is, scale the PDF until all the frame is covered with some part of the PDF, even if means overflowing the frame. The "overflow: hidden" would then clip the overflow to the frame. Different PDF's could have different scalings applied to make this work, which is fine for this application. I understand this may not be an idiomatic use of ConTeXt--any advice or suggestions for alternate approaches much appreciated. Stu