Hans Hagen wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
I would like to define a command, which would be called in the following way: \TheBossWantsTheWorkToBeDoneOn[monday,wednesday,thursday]{tidy up}
so that it would be equivalent to: \WeHaveToDo[monday]{tidy up} \WeHaveToDo[wednesday]{tidy up} \WeHaveToDo[thursday]{tidy up}
Actually, there is an easier way to do this; just swap the arguments to WeHaveToDo:
\def\TheBossWantsTheWorkToBeDoneOn[#1]#2% {\processcommalist[#1]{\WeHaveToDo{#2}}}
\def\WeHaveToDo#1#2{(#2: #1)}
Thanks for the proposal. I included it into Wiki, but in my case the "\WeHaveToDo" was already defined and I needed it exactly in the form that Taco suggested (to call \OnlyStep[#1]{#2} with \OnSteps[1-3,5]{content} in t-rsteps module).
btw, nice thread for a wiki entry
I added it to http://contextgarden.net/Inside_ConTeXt#Processing_lists_of_values.
Is there also a possibility to define a command like \IHaveToDoTheTasks[1-4,7,9-11]{until tomorrow}
There was not, but knowing Hans I trust that soon there will be :-).
hm, well, it does rain outside, but ...
Taco's solution already solved my problem, but I believe it would be nice to add some \processenumeratedlist (well, some better name should be given!) command to ConTeXt one day. That way it would be possible to process some commands like \filterpages[file.pdf][1,3,5] also with \filterpages[file.pdf][1-3,5,7-11] Mojca